Sunday, October 11, 2009


Does anyone ever blog anymore?

Too lazy.

Same answers all the time. I rmb 2 years back? Van, Zoe and Jas created Lollyfloss.
Then after that, most ppl started to blog.
There were like SO MANY blogs to read. So interesting :D
But now, nobody updates. So sad. It used to fill up my timeeee!
Now, i think i'm gonna give up blogging O.O Maybe. But just dont really have the heart to let go of my blog. Hahhaha. I have no idea why. But anyways, hope you ppl start updating :D

Okay. Exams are sooo near. Gah.
I feel fat cause of the ice-creams i've been eating. :(
I needa study. But i'm lazy.
It seems to be raining every now and then.
Okay, nothing else to add there. :)

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