Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Yeah. It's over?

Okay, I've just finished watching episode 10 of 90210.
The freakin ending was like "WTF SHIT"
Ppl who understand what im saying, pls say u agree with me.
Anyways, I cant really update now since my cam is charging.
I might update tomoro tho.
By then, there will be more pictures.


Everything is like sooo complicated right now.
The person you thought you actually HAD feelings for turned out to be....
It's like.."did he even know?"
Sighs. I have no idea why things are like this.
Anyways, not every cinderella can have their happy ending.
So its okay. =)
I just wished he knew. Haha. Omg, why am i "haha" -ing.
Crazyy girl. xD
So I'll update tomoro, till then, i say goodbye =)


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