Sunday, May 17, 2009

Teacher's Day?

I kinda like this picture. Van took it. Haha.
Van! Upload more! So i can steal and post! :)) hahaha

So Friday was teacher's day.
To start things off, we had P.E. What joy?
I came in my P.E attire and guess what? Everyone was staring at me as if they think i forgot it was mufti day. Gee, it was just so weird O.O Well, i guess it's just 2B style :D
Okay, during P.E lessons, we did high jump. Some ppl were too afraid to do it -______-
Right Liz? Hahaha C'mon. It's fun wad. Btw, Lance jumps damn cute. Hahaha.
Moving on, was ERT. Can u imagine how much i was sweating? I was merely showering without water but sweat. Hello?! Sweat! That's just disgusting. But im glad that i finished cutting all my wood and smoothening them. I just spray-painted them with black xD Yay me!

Then as usual, assembly. This year's assembly wasn't what i quite expected. Didn't really enjoy it. It was okay la. But i liked AARON LIM's speech. I could see Ben sim laughing along with the others xD It truely was a inspiring and funny speech. Haha. Then, performance performance, performance.
Then it ended, and we went back upstairs. GUESS WHAT?! It rained. Thank God! I was already sweating like siao and rain came :) hahaha. Then, went to foyer. Me and Erika swinged each other like siao :D Then, her car came O.O So then Bert & Vanessa walked me back. Funny thing was. I walked back WITHOUT my bag? O.O It was soooo stupid. Then Van was like O.O Then we went back, I went to get my bag, and van went to get her geo books? I dont know.
Then Bert went " better dont forget anything this time =.=" Hahaha. Funny. Okay, then went back. Was in the car, started having headaches =.= Headache went away only after what? 7 hours? =.=

After that, went tuition at 6.30. Was quite late. Around 20 mins ++
Stupid Shawn go make Everard didnt buy me bubble tea :( Damn. Haha. Nvm, next week then :)
Okay, wordy post much? Sorry. Blame Van! xD kidding :D

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