Sunday, May 3, 2009

Usual Sunday Afternoon :)

I just realised how much i love sunsets :)
I enjoy watching them. I'll just gaze out the window and watch until its done =)
Haha The colours are just so pretty u know. Sometimes we have purple, green, yellow, orange, all the colours which blend. Haha
These few weeks, sunsets have been awesome mans! Nate agrees xD ahhaha
Hmm, while i was sending Erika home on friday, we saw the sunset in the car too.
So nice right? Haha. Sunsets =) What a nice word. Wheee

My freakin phone couldnt actually capture the colours but yeah.
If you look closely in the middle. U can see it =)
It has raindrops in the picture as i took it from the window xD whee

Adina & Zoe
We were walking back from the concert :)
Haha. Erm, tried to take a shot. then zoe go moveee =.=
damn u zoe! ahahha xD
whee. I'm like so freakin bored right now. No one ever updates their blogs anymore.
Lance hasnt been updating due to his "reasons" and he's at bootcamp with mal and daryl.
So sien. I wanna read blogs! Ppl!


Hahhaa. Kays I'm so so so so so BORED.
I gotta stop saying that. Haha. I was like so hyper just now. Whee
Erm, Aidan Chan left us on thursday. He is no longer our sejarah teacher.
We have a new one coming in :) I hope she's good. Cikgu Joey says she's experienced. I think.
Hahaha hmm, btw, do we have uji diri coming up? O.O i totally forgot. CRAP!

Tuesday..hmm, we have assembly on tuesday.
Form 2 is suppose to present an item but then, i dont think form 2 came up with anything. Or issit form 3's week? Coz i saw some ppl practicing the red fans thingy. LOL
I heard jordan volunteered to play solo violin O.O issit? okayyy. hmm, good luck with that.
Hmm, i have a new song now!
Utada Hikaru- Come back to me. It's so nicee. But i think it was released few years back.
WOW. Just found out some stuff. It's so weird mans.
Okay, Im gonna stop talking.

Bye :)

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