Sunday, May 24, 2009

Update :)

`photo credits go to Van :D

It was such a hot day on Friday. From the photos, see the bright shining sun.
OH the rain was a bit weird tho. It was like so drippy at one side and so drizzly at the other.
We saw a rainbow inside the school also :D
That was seriously cool xD hahahaha
Hmm, so far school has been good.
But we sat for 2 tests- Geo and Maths
Gosh mans, i think i failed maths. I seroiusly dunno how to do linear equations.
That chapter is gonna kill my whole maths exam mans. Damn. not so sure O.O i didnt exactly study study. I did study la. but dunno O.O

We have uji diri coming up. Needa study lots of stuffs. Headache again. ahahah
Oh yeah, congrats to LANCE in getting hightest for the first uji diri :)
whee~ better study! xD

So after next week, its the end of the semester. We'll be having our mid year hols xD
Great! Haha. I can wake up late again. whee. anyways, saturday is musical evening.
Looking forward to see whats instored. So yeah.
Will be helping out as a volunteer after school on Friday :)

Anyways, im currently always playing facebook :D
So funnn. I created my test already so go try! xD Try beat my sis'(95%) and van's(85%) score :D
Been playing FFS also. ppl keep stealing =.=
oh oh! restaurant city! so ncie xD van was like asking me over and over to play :D
okay anyways, webcamming with cherilynn now xD
Byees :)

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