Monday, May 4, 2009

Mondays =.=

Shadows on the road :)
I think you can slightly guess who is who. whee =)

Another usual monday, but we had 3 periods of science.
I seriously hate mondays.
It's followed by all the boring subjectssss such as geo & sejarah
I hate those subjects =.= its just too boring. Seriously. I feel like sleeping in the classes, but unfortunately, i cant, coz i want to get good results so i just sit and listen :)
Sejarah, we have a new teacher now. Erm, Puan Halimah i think.
She's okay la. Not too bad =D I think she'll be a good teacher. Hope so anyways.
We can't keep switching teachers, ever since the switching of teachers for BM, it has affected our sejarah. So yeah, i dont want anymore switches.

Tmr, we're having assembly and stuff, I think its gonna be a long one O.O
OH! we saw nate's hair today. hahaha. So funny xD Jordan Kho said it was good! Keep short!
Hahaha. Hmm, assembly after break, that means no GEO! yay! whee.
Okay, i have nth to say anymore so time to sign off =D

Bye ppls :)

P.S Erika & I just finished Volume I and starting Volume II :D

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