Thursday, May 28, 2009

Uji Diri 2

My face is like this right now. O.O LOL i think la.
Uji diri 2 is tomorrow. Comments from Shirley= quite hard. Shirley smart ass leh. That means its really hard O.O damnn. Haha. I think the hard hard questions are the ones from the novel la.
My hand is gonna be so seng tomorrow. Surely ink go down! haha. 100 questions O.O
Gosh. OH. somemore got essay coming out. Teacher said its gonna be "fun" LOL.
Funny la. Hahaha. WHAT FUN?! surely very hard. ahhahah xD
Anyways, study sutdy study =D

After tomorrow will be the gawai hols. Wow. Thats fast.
Nearly June already. haha. Hols O.O hmm, hope it doesnt go boring like last time =D
Okay, looking forward to musical evening which is this saturday xD
Going with Erika and Vanessa =)) and miss zoe chan xD

P.s ZOEEE :))

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